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Ministry is the richness of life lived out in a community devoted to Discipleship.  This abundant life is found when we gather in Christ's name to worship, to pray, to study, to serve, to give and to do so in grateful joy.


Ministry happens in small, yet might ways; Ministry is shared in local and global ways.  Ministry happens in small groups, in local community partnerships, and in missional participation across the county and around the world.  Ministry, at its best, touches lives and equips the good news to be embodied in transformed lives.

Below are just some of the ways we participate together with the whole church in ministry in Christ's name.  Together, and in all we say and do, we seek to live out our mission:

to Be and Share the Good News of Jesus Christ

Witnessing, Loving, and Serving From Our Doorsteps "to the Ends of the Earth" -Acts 1:8

Youth Ministry

From Youth Retreats and Summer Camps and Conferences... to Girls Night mission trips near and helping lead worship on Sunday who knows what lay ahead for our youth! 

Music Ministry

Sunday's are alive with a Joyful Noise unto the Lord!  We have a traditional Chancel Choir that leads us in various aspects of worship, a Bell Choir that adds special selections, and a host of young talented musicians who offer their gifts in ensemble. 

Men's & Women's Ministries

Many of our ministry activities are done as a "family", meaning we value inter-generational events where men, women and children can live, work, and play together.  But there are times where it is important for men to be with men, and women to be with women.  Sometimes we'll enjoy breakfast or dinner out.  We gather annually with Disciples congregations around WV for weekend retreats.  We take up specific local ministry projects to work on.  We go out and enjoy fellowship with one another. 

From Our Doorsteps...

...To the Ends of the Earth

We work with Disciples and Ecumenical partners throughout West Virginia, across the United States, and around the world. 


Our congregation is among the top 100 financial givers to Disciples Mission Fund, the common mission offering for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, supporting ministries of love and service around the globe. 

Weddings at First Christian Church

We do a lot of weddings here at First Christian Church.  We still believe in love!  And wholeheartedly believe that God is love!  And when two people seek God's blessing on their love and their life, we proclaim "wherever there is love, there is God."  We perform weddings for members and non-members alike, because we seek to be the church that says "yes" when a new family seeks the church. 

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Join us for Worship on Sundays  at 10:45a.m.

First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

1343 National Road

Wheeling, WV



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